Procedure for vendor applications for 2025 market.
Beginning in 2022 we switched to an invitation format for sign up. We’ve had an overwhelming response with applications over the years and while that’s a great problem to have, it creates a lot of extra paperwork and e-mail volume for this volunteer staff of 2. In early January we send out the invites and based on the response, we fill in the market with additional vendors as the slots in their area of creativity become available.
If you are not a vendor currently but are interested in joining the Artisan Market at Parmelee Farm, please e-mail photos of your work – (you must make what you sell) – and your contact information to [email protected]. We will keep it on file in the event a space becomes available. There is a wait list but the availability depends on how many we have in a particular area of artistry, different styles, etc. We try to help each vendor have a fair shot at profitability and it’s also a goal to keep the market fresh for patrons.
THANK YOU for your interest in our market!
Vendor and Artisan Fee Schedule for Parmelee Farm Artisan Market
Vendor fees finance the Artisan Market and on-going Parmelee Farm projects and maintenance.
A. Non‐profit or local organization (scheduled in advance and with Manager approval) No fee. MUST apply to attend NO LATER than May 15, 2024
B. Pavilion (no tent required) 10’ x 10’ space = $100.00 No double spaces available.
C. Single tent (outside pavilion) 10’ x 10’ = $75.00, double space $150.
D. Food truck = $100.00
All participants shall supply their own tables and chairs. Vendors and non‐profits (not in pavilion area) shall also provide their own pop‐up tents.
The Town of Killingworth requires all food vendors to follow temporary food event regulations.
For more information on the town’s health regulations, please contact:
Scott Martinson, Acting Director of Health
[email protected]
Phone: 860-663-1765 ext. 223
FAX: 860-663-3305
Permit fees for commercial food vendors participating in previous markets will be the same as was charged in 2021. Commercial food vendors preparing food on-site (e.g. pizza) will be charged $30 for the season. There will be no charge for commercial vendors who do not prepare food on-site, but they will need to complete the appropriate form.